Monday 11 August 2014


"I like to hangout with people who make make me forget about my phone"

Kalo tgk trend skrg ni, semua org ade hp kt tangan. Duk lepak dgn member hp ade fon kt tgn... yg plg sedih tu ade yg tgh date smbil masing2 main hp memasing... x paham la dorang borak melalui wasap ke ape.. adoyaii.

Kalo nk buat call or sms or wasap or guna camera tu okay tp yg tahap masalah ni yg jenis saje2 scroll TL twitter, fb, ig dll.. x paham betol. Amik contoh kalau la ada 2 org ni tgh date pastu memasing kusyuk dgn hp memasing, what's the point of meeting up? Bagi sy la kalau yg jenis camni, nampak sgt dh memasing dh bosan terhadap satu sama lain.

Tp lain pulak kalau kes baru kenal.. sambil duk jln2 or borak2 tu, boleh la nak main hp atas tiket awkward or nervous. hihi. Tp jgn la memanjang main hp, nt the other party (gurls) akn rasa x dihargai pulak. Lelaki try la paham gurl lebih sikit. Kui3.

Remember, hp sometimes ruins relationship. "Hp mendekatkan mereka yg jauh tetapi menjauhkan mereka yg dekat". Keep ur focus on ur partner or frens.. that would be great pleasure and happiness.... <3